Project 1


MATHS Courses

Our Functional Skills qualifications are intended for anyone wishing to develop their maths skills, and are ideal for learners wishing to develop practical, transferable skills in maths in order to work confidently, effectively, and independently in life. Our Functional Skills maths qualifications focus on preparing learners to demonstrate both mathematical skills at the appropriate level and the ability to apply mathematical thinking effectively to solve problems successfully in the workplace and in other. These qualifications enable learners to gain confidence in using mathematics, provide a foundation for progression into employment or further technical education and develop skills for everyday life, where the skills gained can be applied to solve mathematical problems confidently, and to apply this knowledge and these skills in familiar situations. We offer these qualifications from entry level 2 to Level 2. You can work through the online learning at your own pace, with tutors on hand to support you every step of the way. You will have access to high-quality, individualized learning materials, online resources, and face to face workshops throughout your course.


Our qualifications are available from Entry level 2 to Level 2

Entry-level exams are paper-based and you will sit these in the centre.  Level 1 and 2 are online exams which you will sit in the centre. 

The maths qualifications have one exam which is divided into 2 sections: Section A: The non-calculator section, and Section B: The calculator section.


Learners must complete all 3 mandatory units at each level for a full level qualification.

Using numbers and the number system:

This unit develops learner’s skills with calculating with and comparing numbers, including fractions, decimals and percentages.

Using common measures, shape and space:

This unit develops learner’s skills working with money, time, length, weight and capacity, as well as working with 2-D and 3-D shapes and calculating area and volume.

Handling information and data:

This unit develops learner’s skills working with a range of charts, graphs, diagrams and tables and being able to calculate and compare data, including probability.

progression routes

Learners who complete our Functional Skills qualifications can progress onto higher level Functional Skills courses, or study a variety of other courses within CTP or with external providers. Contact CTP for information on progression routes.

Common progression routes include:

Entry Criteria

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